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id: 1003AD00000001"

Site Root: /data/aall/current/aall_org/
username: public
userid: 0
dbname: aall
Accept: */*
Cookie: _vstime=1729226758
Host: www.aallnet.org
Referer: /
User-Agent: Baiduspider/2.0+(+http://www./search/spider.htm)
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
X-Forwarded-Protocol: https

SCRIPT_NAME: /forms/meeting/MeetingFormPublic/view

When: Oct 18, 2024 12:45 am
PID: 23916

Error in ValueError.
Here is a traceback of function calls, starting with the closest to that error.
Python 3.11.0: /home/maxx/lib/matrixmaxx3/bin/uwsgi
Fri Oct 18 00:45:59 2024

ValueError: Illegal characters in ID '1003AD00000001"'

      __cause__ = None
      __class__ = <class 'ValueError'>
      __context__ = None
      __delattr__ = <method-wrapper '__delattr__' of ValueError object>
      __dict__ = {}
      __dir__ = <built-in method __dir__ of ValueError object>
      __doc__ = 'Inappropriate argument value (of correct type).'
      __eq__ = <method-wrapper '__eq__' of ValueError object>
      __format__ = <built-in method __format__ of ValueError object>
      __ge__ = <method-wrapper '__ge__' of ValueError object>
      __getattribute__ = <method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of ValueError object>
      __getstate__ = <built-in method __getstate__ of ValueError object>
      __gt__ = <method-wrapper '__gt__' of ValueError object>
      __hash__ = <method-wrapper '__hash__' of ValueError object>
      __init__ = <method-wrapper '__init__' of ValueError object>
      __init_subclass__ = <built-in method __init_subclass__ of type object>
      __le__ = <method-wrapper '__le__' of ValueError object>
      __lt__ = <method-wrapper '__lt__' of ValueError object>
      __ne__ = <method-wrapper '__ne__' of ValueError object>
      __new__ = <built-in method __new__ of type object>
      __reduce__ = <built-in method __reduce__ of ValueError object>
      __reduce_ex__ = <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of ValueError object>
      __repr__ = <method-wrapper '__repr__' of ValueError object>
      __setattr__ = <method-wrapper '__setattr__' of ValueError object>
      __setstate__ = <built-in method __setstate__ of ValueError object>
      __sizeof__ = <built-in method __sizeof__ of ValueError object>
      __str__ = <method-wrapper '__str__' of ValueError object>
      __subclasshook__ = <built-in method __subclasshook__ of type object>
      __suppress_context__ = False
      __traceback__ = <traceback object>
      add_note = <built-in method add_note of ValueError object>
      args = ('Illegal characters in ID \'1003AD00000001"\'',)
      with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of ValueError object>

 /data/aall/current/libs/utils/check_ids.py in ensure_secure_id(id_='1003AD00000001"')
   21         return None
   22     id_ = str(id_)
   23     id_ = id_.strip()
   24     chars = set(id_)
   25     if chars - _legal_id_set:
   26         raise ValueError("Illegal characters in ID %r" % id_)
   27     return int(id_, 16)
   29 _legal_digits = set('0123456789')
   30 _legal_int_set = set('-+') | _legal_digits
builtinValueError = <class 'ValueError'>
id_ = '1003AD00000001"'

 /data/aall/current/libs/PLayer/PersistentCriteria.py in asStringAttrOpValue(self=<libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>, tablemap={}, prefix='')
  603             if operator != self.REGEXP:
  604                 check_ids.ensure_secure_int(rhsValue)
  605         elif columnType == 'float':
  606             check_ids.ensure_secure_float(rhsValue)
  607         elif columnType == 'id':
  608             check_ids.ensure_secure_id(rhsValue)
  610         return returnString % (leftString,
  611                                operator,
  612                                rhsValue)
global check_ids = <module 'libs.utils.check_ids' from '/data/aall/current/libs/utils/check_ids.py'>
check_ids.ensure_secure_id = <function ensure_secure_id at 0x7fed98076f20>
rhsValue = '1003AD00000001"'

 /data/aall/current/libs/PLayer/PersistentCriteria.py in asString(self=<libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>, tablemap={}, prefix='')
  190             elif (isinstance(self.right, PCAttribute) and
  191                   isinstance(self.left, PCAttribute)):
  192                 return self.asStringAttrOpAttr(tablemap, prefix)
  193             else:
  194                 # our left side must be a PCAttr and our right side a value
  195                 return self.asStringAttrOpValue(tablemap, prefix)
  197     def asStringAssocOpClass(self, tablemap, prefix):
  198         """ handles outputting where clause when leaf is assoc op value """
self = <libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>
self.asStringAttrOpValue = <bound method PersistentCriteria.asStringAttrOpValue of <libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>>
tablemap = {}
prefix = ''

 /data/aall/current/libs/PLayer/SQLStatement.py in buildForObject(self=<libs.PLayer.SQLStatement.SelectSQLStatement object at 0x7fed953b9350>, object=None, classmap=ClassMap for Meeting, criteria=<libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>, orderBy=None, cursor=None, groupBy=None, groupByClause=None, union=0, debug=0, batchRetrieve=0, idList=None, returnIdOnly=False, greedyAssocs=[], attrsToPull=None)
  395         if object:
  396             whereString += "%s.%s=0x%s" %(idColumn.table.name,
  397                                           idColumn.name,
  398                                           object.id)
  399         elif criteria:
  400             whereString += criteria.asString(tablemap);
  401         elif idList:
  402             if isinstance(idList[0], basestring) and idList[0][:2]=="0x":
  403                 idList = [ text_type(int(i, 16)) for i in idList ]
  404             whereString += "%s.%s in (%s)" %(idColumn.table.name,
whereString = ''
criteria = <libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>
criteria.asString = <bound method PersistentCriteria.asString of <libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>>
tablemap = {}

 /data/aall/current/libs/PLayer/SQLStatement.py in buildForCriteria(self=<libs.PLayer.SQLStatement.SelectSQLStatement object at 0x7fed953b9350>, classmap=ClassMap for Meeting, criteria=<libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>, orderBy=None, cursor=None, groupByClause=None, union=0, batchRetrieve=0, returnIdOnly=False, greedyAssocs=[], attrsToPull=None, groupBy=None)
  485                          batchRetrieve=0,
  486                          returnIdOnly=0,
  487                          greedyAssocs=None,
  488                          attrsToPull=None,
  489                          groupBy=None):
  490         return self.buildForObject(None,
  491                                    classmap,
  492                                    criteria=criteria,
  493                                    orderBy=orderBy,
  494                                    cursor=cursor,
self = <libs.PLayer.SQLStatement.SelectSQLStatement object at 0x7fed953b9350>
self.buildForObject = <bound method SelectSQLStatement.buildForObject of <libs.PLayer.SQLStatement.SelectSQLStatement object at 0x7fed953b9350>>
classmap = ClassMap for Meeting
criteria = <libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>
orderBy = None
cursor = None
groupByClause = None
union = 0
batchRetrieve = 0
returnIdOnly = False
greedyAssocs = []
attrsToPull = None
groupBy = None

 /data/aall/current/libs/PLayer/PersistentBroker.py in processCriteria(self=<libs.PLayer.PersistentBroker.PersistentBroker object at 0x7fed8f362650>, aClass=<class 'generic.classes.Meeting.Meeting'>, aCriteria=<libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>, orderBy=None, cursor=None, debug=None, idList=0, greedyAssocs=[], rawIdList=False, tContext=None, groupByClause=None, groupBy=None)
  783             # nested criteria
  785             # considered cleaning ORs here
  786             #if aCriteria and aCriteria.containsOR():
  787             #   do something about ors
  788             sql = SelectSQLStatement().buildForCriteria(aClass.cm,
  789                                                         aCriteria,
  790                                                         orderBy=orderBy,
  791                                                         cursor=cursor,
  792                                                         groupByClause=groupByClause,
sql undefined
global SelectSQLStatement = <class 'libs.PLayer.SQLStatement.SelectSQLStatement'>
).buildForCriteria = <function SelectSQLStatement.buildForCriteria at 0x7fed980bb4c0>
aClass = <class 'generic.classes.Meeting.Meeting'>
aClass.cm = ClassMap for Meeting
aCriteria = <libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>
orderBy = None
cursor = None
groupByClause = None
groupBy = None
returnIdOnly undefined
idList = 0
rawIdList = False
greedyAssocs = []

 /data/aall/current/libs/framework/WebForm.py in _createPO(self=<MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>, id='1003AD00000001"')
 2081         if id != "0":
 2082             poClass = self.website.getPOClass(self._getPOClassName())
 2083             ourPC = PC(PCAttribute(poClass, 'id'),
 2084                        PC.EQUALS, id.strip())
 2085             result = self.getPB().processCriteria(poClass, ourPC,
 2086                                                   greedyAssocs=self.eagerLoad)
 2087             try:
 2088                 self._po = result[0]
 2089             except IndexError:
result undefined
self = <MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>
self.getPB = <bound method WebApp.getPB of <MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>>
).processCriteria undefined
poClass = <class 'generic.classes.Meeting.Meeting'>
ourPC = <libs.PLayer.PersistentCriteria.PersistentCriteria object at 0x7fed8dbb84d0>
greedyAssocs undefined
self.eagerLoad = []

 /data/aall/current/libs/framework/WebForm.py in view(self=<MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>, id='1003AD00000001"', position=0)
  199         # create a instance of our po.  Even though this _looks_ like
  200         # self.getPO, we don't use self.getPO() as some forms
  201         # (e.g generic/sites/www/users_only/IndividualApplicationPublic.py )
  202         # override it oddly.
  203         if not self._po or self._po.id != id:
  204             self._po = self._createPO(id)
  205         po = self._po
  207         # lets first get our DisplayGroup
  208         try:
self = <MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>
self._po = None
self._createPO = <bound method WebForm._createPO of <MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>>
id = '1003AD00000001"'

 /data/aall/current/libs/webform/PhatForm.py in view(self=<MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>, id='1003AD00000001"', position=0)
  417             position = self.POSITION_CREDIT
  418         return self.edit(id, position, save, errorMessage, target)
  420     def view(self, id=None, position=0):
  421         self.setTarget('view')
  422         return WebForm.view(self, id, position)
  424     def search(self, action=None, find=None, type=None, showIds=None):
  425         self.setTarget('search')
  426         return WebForm.search(self, action, find, type, showIds)
global WebForm = <class 'libs.framework.WebForm.WebForm'>
WebForm.view = <function WebForm.view at 0x7fed8db4f560>
self = <MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>
id = '1003AD00000001"'
position = 0

 /data/aall/current/libs/webform/meeting/baseMeetingForm.py in view(self=<MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>, id='1003AD00000001"')
  317     def view(self, id=0):
  318         if not id:
  319              raise self.website.NotFoundError("404: no meeting ID specified")
  320         self.setTarget('view')
  321         return PhatForm.view(self, id)
  323     def promo(self, id=0):
  324         if not id:
  325              raise self.website.NotFoundError("404: no meeting ID specified")
global PhatForm = <class 'libs.webform.PhatForm.PhatForm'>
PhatForm.view = <function PhatForm.view at 0x7fed8da0e3e0>
self = <MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>
id = '1003AD00000001"'

 /data/aall/current/libs/framework/BaseHandler.py in _safeCall(self=<libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7fed96f30290>, method=<bound method baseMeetingForm.view of <MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>>, fields=OurMultiDict([('id', '1003AD00000001"')]))
  289             for name in fields.keys():
  290                 if name in expected:
  291                     args[name] = fields[name]
  292             # now if we have any args to pass call the method
  293             if args:
  294                 return method(**args)
  295         # method has no arguments
  296         return method()
  298     def cleanForHTML(self, html):
method = <bound method baseMeetingForm.view of <MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>>
args = {'id': '1003AD00000001"'}

 /data/aall/current/libs/framework/WebSite.py in processRequest(self=<libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7fed96f30290>, req=<libs.framework.MaxxRequestWrapper.MaxxRequestWrapper object at 0x7fed8e57f790>)
  430                     # I'm not exactly familiar with when Python allocates on the stack vs.
  431                     # heap, but it appears to solve a bug.
  432                     # https://intranet.matrixgroup.net/webmaster/index.cfm?action=showmessage&messageid=91090
  433                     # print("Are we here?", file=sys.stderr)
  434                     fields = instance._fields
  435                     result = self._safeCall(method, fields)
  437                 elif req.method.upper() in ['PUT','DELETE'] and (req.uri.split('/')[1] == 'protectedRest' or \
  438                     req.uri.startswith('/forms/maxxapi/')):
  439                     #enable PUT on the protectedRest uri's
result undefined
self = <libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7fed96f30290>
self._safeCall = <bound method BaseHandler._safeCall of <libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7fed96f30290>>
method = <bound method baseMeetingForm.view of <MeetingFormPublic.MeetingFormPublic object at 0x7fed8e57f6d0>>
fields = OurMultiDict([('id', '1003AD00000001"')])

 /data/aall/current/libs/framework/WebManager.py in _newRequest(self=<libs.framework.WebManager.WebManager object at 0x7fed953e1d50>, req=<libs.framework.MaxxRequestWrapper.MaxxRequestWrapper object at 0x7fed8e57f790>)
  250                             self._debugSites[self._sitePath] = debugSite
  252                         result = self.callWithMiddleware(debugSite, req)
  254                     else:
  255                         result = site.processRequest(req)
  256                         # at this point result will be returned to apache
  257                         # and becomes the http result
result = 0
site = <libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7fed96f30290>
site.processRequest = <bound method WebSite.processRequest of <libs.framework.WebSite.WebSite object at 0x7fed96f30290>>
req = <libs.framework.MaxxRequestWrapper.MaxxRequestWrapper object at 0x7fed8e57f790>